Introducing Vodex 2.0

The Future of Outbound Call Automations

Unleashing the power of cutting-edge AI technology, Vodex 2.0 redefines the intersection of innovation and performance, crafting an experience that is nothing short of extraordinary. Prepare to be astonished as we usher in a new era of seamless, intelligent communication.

Release Date
7th October 2023

7:00pm IST/ 9:30am EST/ 2:30pm BST

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State-of-the-art tech

We use latest Generative AI technology to power our outbound calls

Faster Response time

Experience outbound calls like never before—swift, seamless, and comprehensive

Lightning-Fast Deployment

Instant Deployment, Zero Delays—Get Up and Running in No Time

Real-Time Inspections

To help improve your personal and your team's productivity Samu ties into your existing tools.

Live demo by our CTO

Experience the Era of Generative AI Powered Virtual Telecallers

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