How Voice Intelligence Can Handle Various Kinds of Outbound Calls?

Are you still using the same old voicemail system to handle all of your outbound calls?

If so, we have some bad news for you: that's not going to cut it anymore.

Outbound calls are an essential part of the business. They are a way to maintain relationships and make new connections with potential partners, investors, or customers.
It also helps generate income through sales of products and services. Outbound calls can be made using the conventional method, which is done by using a keypad or touch tone on a phone line that connects directly to the person being called.

This method has its own drawbacks because it is expensive for businesses that use this method frequently. Voice intelligence platforms have been developed over time that can handle various kinds of outbound calls effectively without costing too much money compared to conventional methods of making outbound calls.

What Exactly is Voice Intelligence?

It's a phrase that can be a little confusing because it can mean different things to different people. But we think it's about time for a clear definition.

Voice intelligence is the ability of a system to understand and respond to your spoken commands. It’s not just about hearing what you say, it's about understanding what you mean when you say it.
Voice intelligence (VI) is the ability of a system or process to understand, learn from, and act on human speech. IBM had developed its successor voice recognition project by 1971. The Automatic Call Identification system allowed engineers to communicate with a computer in Raleigh, North Carolina, and receive "spoken" responses from it from anywhere in the US. For the first time, an IBM speech recognition system could work via phone lines and recognize a variety of voices and dialects.

Since then, the term has been adopted by technology companies around the world as they look for ways to make their products more personable while also making them more efficient and effective at what they do best: finding answers and acting on those answers with speed and accuracy.
If you want to create a more natural experience for users, this means more than just being able to recognize words, it means being able to understand the intent behind them.

Voice intelligence isn’t just about speech-to-text either. It also includes natural language processing (NLP), which allows us to parse out phrases like “I want an iced Americano with extra foam.”

Outbound Calls with Voice Intelligence

Voice Intelligence is a software solution that can be used to handle outbound calls. It has the ability to answer calls, determine if it's an inbound call or an outbound one, and route the call accordingly. It can also send follow-up emails when a specific set of criteria are met.
Voice Intelligence uses its own version of NLP (Natural Language Processing). This allows it to understand what you're saying and respond accordingly. The system will even make small talk with your customers, so they feel like they're talking to a real person!

The best part about using voice intelligence for handling outbound calls is that you don't have to hire more employees or train them on how to do their jobs effectively; all you need is Voice Intelligence running on your existing computer systems!
In addition to handling outbound calls, Voice Intelligence can also be used to answer inbound calls. It can route these calls based on the number they're dialling or where they're calling from.

The system is also capable of handling your emails. It can send out mass emails, respond to specific keywords in the email, and even schedule follow-up emails based on the customer's responsibility.
You can make use of the voice intelligence application for various kinds of outbound calls.
The voice intelligence application is a boon for companies to make outbound calls. You can use the voice intelligence application for various kinds of outbound calls.

You can use it for:
Lead generation
Appointment setting

You can also use it for other purposes as well, like managing customer relationship management (CRM) workflows, alerting users about their appointments, or even sending automated emails and SMSes
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