We help you generate qualified leads

Lead qualification is the key to focusing on your most promising leads, enhancing efficiency, and significantly boosting your revenue.

Our AI Powered voicebots specializes in qualified lead generation ensuring that you connect only with premium prospects driving success for your business.

Vodex In Action

Insurance Lead Qualification

Real Estate Lead Qualification

Vodex In Action!

Faster & Better

Choose an Industry you prefer! We have kept some recorded samples for you. Keep in mind that the voices can be customized as per your requirements. Have a word with us to know more…

How can we justify our outbound calls if we don’t have our own bot doing all our calling? Don’t worry our sales team is still calling you however we are ready to switch!

Whether it's for a credit card, home loan, or car loan, our Voice Bot is equipped to cross-sell, upsell, or simply provide information about your product. No matter your need, we have the solution!

Looking for a house on the north side of your current location? Look no further! Whether it's cold calls, customer support, payment reminders, or construction updates, Vodex has you covered.

Solving challenges in a $3 billion industry – Cart abandonment? With Vodex, you'll receive a reminder call to ensure a seamless final checkout.

Or simply send an email to demo@vodex.ai with any subject, and include a message like "Call me at +1XXXXXXX" in the body.

Vodex will call you within 10 seconds.

How it works

Vodex is a Generative AI tool for making lead qualification outbound calls to your customers. Unlike a machine-based or robotic-based call, Vodex talks in a human-like voice. Every call feels friendly and genuine. It understands and recognizes speech with 98% accuracy.

So what we are trying to say is this:

  1. Vodex uses Generative AI to make calls in a human voice.
  2. Vodex can make 10,000 calls in less than 60 minutes.
  3. Vodex integrates into your existing CRM systems.
  4. Vodex can even send Whatsapp or Text messages.

With Vodex, a Generative AI tool for lead qualification, your business gets faster, smoother, and better. If you are ready to step up your game:

Quick Contact Form

Busy? No worries, just fill the below form and we will get in touch with you

Wondering if we're the right fit for you? Reach out: sales@vodex.ai

Meet the Rhythm of Vodex!

Our team is a fusion of creativity & amp! Where traditional calls end, our sonic journey begins. We are not just making Generative AI based outbound calls here; we are crafting experiences with unparalleled AI artistry.

Anshul Shrivastav

Co-Founder / CEO

Kumar Saurav

Co-Founder / CTO


"It's good for lead qualification."

– Danny

“Technical support for Vodex was excellent. Resolved our integration issue quickly and efficiently.”

– Bob

“Time is being saved like crazy for me with vodex. Like what would have taken 1 month I finished it in a day. Of course the setup took some time but after that it was a breeze. It got the job done!”

– Bill

“The best thing about Vodex is their CSM team. They respond to me in less than 6 hrs and ensure that if there is any issue, it gets resolved as soon as possible”

– Gilbert

“Vodex freed up my team. Integration with CRM was seamless, would recommend for high-volume calling.”

– Nathaniel

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