About :- Vodex Provide an Autopilot Voice Intelligence Solution. | Vodex

About Us

Covid has made it very difficult for humans to travel to their office and work place. Phone call is something which almost every business require whether it is small or big. Most businesses hire people to make outbound phone calls. However, this model has fundamental problems. Humans have limitations on how many calls they can make in a day.

If a business wants to scale number of calls to be made, they can't just press and button and scale up or scale down the number of calls made. They will have to hire hundreds of people first, and then train them. Then they have to hope everyone will turn up in the office and also hope that everyone is in good mood to make the outbound call. Still after all this, the business cannot guarantee a standard and consistent calling experience to their customers.

So what is the solution....

Well, now businesses have a solution. Introducing Vodex. Businesses can automate their outbound phone calls and scale up or scale down number of outbound calls in just a few clicks. Businesses have an option to provide same or sometimes even better call experience than a human counterpart. That too without hiring additional work force and definitely without spending tons of money. Customers are using Vodex for number of use cases such as Customer Onboarding, Marketing Pitch, Webinar Reminders. Also for use cases like Sales Qualification, Market Research and Surveys and many more...